Saturday, June 08, 2024



Good grief, Pablo

your insane gifts are freaking me out

my mind since I gave up preaching is

as you know tenderly susceptible

to all gestures

& also material objects in the form

of petits cadeaux, and especially

the Waylon Jennings album (you know it for my favorite)

the biography of the anarchist

these have shaken me at the atomic level

from which as Lucretius teaches us

everything flows

from exiguum clinamen

to magnum opus

it is good that I gave up preaching

who knew it lay so deep in my genetics?

But was it not Ebenezer Crofts who 150 years ago

came all the way from Kent

to Texas that he might give,

as he taught us, "full vent to my preachments"?

Not an ignoble reason to relocate

but still, for me, now, unworkable

in poetry

that that coin finally dropped

gaudeamus igitur

am I right?

no Pablo: no more preaching for me

it's all prophecy now

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