Friday, February 23, 2024


coyotes from the outer darkness


came to the perimeter

their piercing

infantile voices

from out beyond the fence line

Argos and Willow are so indignant

they have become partly divine

Willow is in her first youth 

watching Argos though

i saw the years fall away

the old man wanted to tear down the whole forest

with his teeth 

and he would have

if the coyotes hadn't 

suddenly gone quiet

which was also

a goddamn unforgivable

slap in the face

the moon was not kidding around either

the glow got down into 

their shaggy white fur

until crisscrossing the forest

they themselves were shining

like burning spirits 

which of course they are

we walked back to the farmhouse together

I loved it

 but you know

coyote-song is hard to shake

it's a cold shot 

and the dogs will grumble all night

as well they should


fucking coyotes